This Week at Newman

We are so glad you are here!

This Week at Newman…

Oratory in the lounge @7:30 PM


There will be a formation opportunity every Wednesday! We’ll gather in the lounge at 7:30PM to hear about a topic from a presenter and end before our regularly scheduled adoration at 8:00PM

Early Bird Series @7:00AM


If you’re looking to grow in prayer during Lent, join us on Thursday mornings. Mass will be at 7AM followed by a brief presentation and discussion. This year’s theme of “vocation” will continue each week. .


Hangouts @8:00PM

Every Thursday come hangout for games, a movie, ping pong, etc as a break from homework and classes. Stop by for part or all. Bring a new game and meet new friends.

Join a Small Group

Small groups are back for the spring semester. They’re a great way to read the Word while building friendships. Find the one that fits you best: men, women, Latinos, athletes, transfers, etc. Complete the form to get connected.

Anytime that works for you!

Happening Soon…

Catholic Scholars - for credit and scholarships!

This is a six course program for students with an interest in learning about different areas within Catholic Theology. Course credit transfers to EIU and can be applied to a Religious Studies Minor. Contact Fr. Michael or the office to learn more about next year’s cohort:

Register for Fall 2025

Light and Leaven Discipleship


Consider joining Light and Leaven in the spring semester. It is a 12 week program to assist students with discipleship and leadership. Contact Sylvia ( to learn more!

Other News…

Mass, Reconciliation, & Adoration

Mass Times
Sunday 11:00 am & 5:00 pm
Tuesday 5:00 pm
Wednesday 7:00 am (at St. Charles)
Thursday 7:00 am during Lent
Friday 7:00 am (at St. Charles)

Adoration times.
Wednesday 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Reconciliation times.
Tues/Thurs 4:15 pm to 4:45 pm
Wednesday 8:15 pm to 9:00 pm