
The ministry at the Newman Center is to foster a growing Catholic community among students and to further transform our relationships with Christ. There are many opportunities to get connected with peers, form Christian friendships, and find a home away from home here.

Join a
Small Group

Small Groups are led by students and last about an hour each week. Gathering together to break open scripture gives the opportunity to grow in friendship. Students also learn from one another in sharing about what they are learning and how God is speaking to them. Meet our current small group leaders and sign up through the sign up below.

Student Hangouts
& Game Nights

Take a break from studying and have some fun every Thursday at 8 pm. Friends gather and hangout for a fun night doing anything from sand volleyball to karaoke to board games to a Steak-n-Shake run.

Sunday Night Dinners after Mass

Every Sunday night after 5 pm Mass the community gathers together for dinner. It’s a FREE meal for college students, helps fuel your body to start the week, and cultivates relationships after sharing in the breaking of bread at Mass.

Knights of Columbus

Gather with an intentional, fraternal group of Catholic men striving to put faith into action to defend, serve, and protect. This group of men seeks to volunteer and provide service for the Church and community.