Planned Giving
Planned giving is a great way to ensure the growth and continuation of this ministry in the future. It allows you to designate a gift to Newman in your estate plans: as a bequest, beneficiary designation, IRA rollover, or donor advised funds. Through planned giving, you can create a legacy of support for the next generation of students who come to encounter Christ at Newman.
Giving Back.
Paying it Forward.
Making a Difference.
We encourage you to talk to your financial advisor and consider including the EIU Newman Center in your planned giving. Contact us with any questions: 217-348-0188
Consider leaving a legacy gift.
Explore your options.
Gifts that Pay Income
Charitable Gift Annuity: The Gift Annuity is an irrevocable gift of cash or securities where you receive a predictable fixed income for life. At termination, Newman receives the residual value of the annuity. There are also potential tax benefits depending upon your particular situation. You may request your own customized sample through the Diocese of Springfield.
Charitable Remainder Trust: The Remainder Trust is an irrevocable gift of assets into a Charitable Trust that provides you a fixed (Annuity Trust) or variable (Unitrust) income for life or for a set term. At the trust’s termination, the trust assets become a generous gift to Newman. There are also potential tax benefits dependent upon your situation.
Charitable Lead Trust: The Lead Trust’s income payments are distributed to Newman for a set period of years, after which the assets are transferred back to whomever the grantor has named the beneficiary. This provides generous annual support for Newman now, removes the assets from the estate, and passes an asset to heirs with little or no tax. There is no immediate deduction for the lead trust.
Gifts Now
Appreciated Securities (or other assets): The gift of appreciated securities is most often in the form of common stock or mutual funds. Such a gift is a valuable way to benefit Newman and for you to receive tax benefits based on the fair market value of the assets. Other appreciated assets, like real estate, may be gifted but it is important to discuss these in advance with us.
Charitable IRA Rollover: A giving opportunity for those over 70.5: in 2011, federal legislation allows you to make tax-free distributions from your IRA directly to Newman. This distribution is not included in your adjusted gross income, so there is no payment of additional tax on a qualified distribution.
Real Estate: Real estate may be deeded outright to Newman or left by bequest. The irrevocable gift of property may provide an immediate tax deduction and avoid capital gains. Due to complexities, be prepared to work with us and qualified advisors to ensure that this is a suitable gift for both you and Newman.
Life Insurance: Make a gift or buy a policy making Newman the owner and beneficiary.
Gifts Later
Bequest: The bequest is a gift through your will or revocable trust that enables you to retain the asset during your life and provide significant support to Newman when you no longer require the asset. You may choose a specific item, a percentage, or a residual bequest. You may also choose to make Newman a contingent beneficiary in case the heirs are unable to receive the estate.
Retirement Plan Assets: In some cases, retirement assets can be the heaviest assets taxed in an estate. Naming Newman as beneficiary can avoid that taxation, enabling the asset to pass tax free. You may also leave Newman as a percentage beneficiary or a contingent beneficiary of a retirement plan.
Bank or Investment Account: Financial accounts can be a simple and inexpensive way to leave a legacy gift for Newman. Contact your financial advisor to see how easy the process is to make Newman the beneficiary of a particular investment or bank account.