“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations.”
- Matthew 28:19
These young people will be the next leaders of our Church. There is never an end to our spiritual learning journey. We provide several opportunities for you to receive formation and continue growing in your faith.
Reach More Discipleship
This training program is a group setting where you meet with peers to learn and discuss how to grow as a disciple through evangelization and prayer. You will become equipped to share your personal faith story, invite others into the faith, and accompany them through an apostolate. Contact Doris to learn more: dnordin@eiunewman.org
Catholic Scholars
You can receive course credit and a scholarship as a Catholic Scholar! It is a six course program for students with an interest in learning about different areas within Catholic Theology. Course credit transfers to EIU and can be applied to a Religious Studies minor. Contact Fr. Michael or the office to learn more: admin@eiunewman.org
Spiritual Direction
Our campus ministers and chaplain would love to chat with you! You can request to meet regularly or just contact them as needed. One-on-One’s are a great way to ask personal questions about one’s faith and discernment or receive guidance while navigating college life.
Fr. Michael: mberndt@dio.org
Doris: dnordin@eiunewman.org